Prepeel contains 4 alpha hydroxy acids with pKa >3 and is used to degrease the skin and also as 1 st step in the acné treatment.
Pre Peel Cream is interesting by its INCI Ingredients and Composition .
It can be used daily to prepare the skin 2 weeks applying the peels procedure beginning with any acids like TCA .
It is mostly used in case of fat skins to degrease them before the TCA application which begins 2 weeks after.
It is really a pre peel as it contains 3 fruit acids : citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid , all with pKa >3 detailled in the Classification of Peels by Alain Tenenbaum.
The citric acid cycle allows production and accumulation of energy.
PrePeel speeds the process in context where the metabolism is slowed down due to aging (oxidation of regulatory and coding elements of DNA).
Ingredients List
Citric Acid
Tartaric Acid
Malic Acid
Specific Indications
Epidermis Regeneration
Attenuation of Signs related to Age
Common Acne

For which phototypes can it be applied ?