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Easy Technique


This technique is adapted to most of indications, following strictly the protocol

Pictures have to be taken with and without make up
Use for comparison only pictures without make up

With make up

facepic with make up

Without make up


Step 2 : Disinfection and Make Up Removal

Use a gauze soaked
with TCA 10%


2 other products can also be used to replace the TCA 10% w/w liquid :

Appearance of the gauze after disinfection


Never Use alcohol before, during and after the whole procedure

Step 3 : Application of Peeling de Luxe or Peeling de Luxe Plus



Step 4 : Application of 30 min Peel Off

End of Application of 30 min peel off


Wait now 45 minutes

Step 5 : Removal of 30 min Peel Off

Just after the removal of 30 min Peel Off

Redness is just transitory
after removal of 30 min peel off

Step 6 : Application of Lipoic Acid Cream

Use of Lipoic Acid Cream


After application of the lipoic acid

after application of the lipoic acid

Immediate Results

Before Peeling, just after removal of make up

Immediate after the Peels



This technique as protocol gives immediate results as it can be observed on comparative pictures :

  • peri ocular wrinkles as superficail ones disappeared
  • the skin is much more hydrated
  • the skin doesnt look any more oily
  • the skins`texture is of better quality

The Patient should go on the treatment back at home

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